My Passion for Photography
I absolutely love what I do and my photography has been a lifelong passion. The idea of “Going Pro,” actually hanging out my shingle and offering my services to the public was enticing but I was genuinely concerned that it would take the joy out of it. Photography couldn’t turn into a “Boring Job.” I couldn’t allow that to happen. I’m so thrilled at the magnitude of how very misguided that idea was now that I’ve spent some time in the field.

The passion for photography that I thought I might lose has done nothing but multiply and the more I learn, the more I want to learn. Taking classes is improving my work with the camera, my editing and even my marketing abilities. I didn’t realize photography would lead to learning about furniture, architecture, classic painters, psychology and body language, types of dogs, dress styles, children’s movies, fashion, flowers, etc. Oh yeah, and I still had a lot to learn about composition, color coordination, lighting, posing and software programs (editing with the computer vs Dark Rooms.) I had no idea all the details this process involved.
It has been such a joy to be able to chase my photography dream and let my passion for this endeavor run wild. I truly appreciate all the people who have opened doors and encouraged me to pursue my passion! I’ve been torn between the idea of becoming specialized, finding my niche or learning as much as I can from every interesting opportunity that presents itself.
My initial goal when I entered the “pro photographer” realm was to be able to make a decent living at it and keep it interesting, not lose my passion. My goal now is to be one of the best of the best. There’s no reason not to go for it! Go for being one of the best photographers in the area? Nah, go for being one of the best in the world? No! I am aiming to be one of the best of all time. This passion continues to grow as my knowledge and experience grow. Educational opportunities are increasing my knowledge. As my abilities are growing so is my passion as the two seem to feed off each other.
All art abilities that a person possesses tend to build on each other. Calligraphy has always been a passion of mine as has leather work. Drawing was something I attempted in grade school. My horse drawings ended up on display in the local library. I played trumpet, trombone, tuba and the drums in junior high. I think all these artistic interests are talents that build on each other.
Horses have always been a major part of my life. Saying I’m passionate about horses would be a horrible understatement. Horses and I are connected at my soul and I think they are at the very core of my being. To be able to merge my horse riding with my photography has been one of the most amazing experiences of a lifetime. I’ve been lucky enough to be in extraordinarily remote places to capture images most people could only dream of. It’s a gift to have this opportunity to experience it, then to photograph it and then most importantly to have a chance to share it with the world.
So in summation, my passion for photography is stronger than it ever was. I’m taking as many classes as I can and learning to be better at my craft every time I click my shutter. I can meet a friend for coffee and it turns into an impromptu editing lesson. The world is dealing me opportunities and I’m saying YES!
“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”